Friday, July 5, 2013

Published 5:07 AM by

Pakistan will continue to block YouTube

Pakistan will continue to block YouTube

       A court in Pakistan today issued an order to extend the blocking YouTube portal in the country, after the state prosecutor said that lifting the ban would have a negative impact on the way in the country. Recall that the portal YouTube banned in Pakistan since last September, when the site was placed controversial movie "Innocence of Muslims", was exhibited at the unflattering image of the Prophet Mohammed.

       National telecom operator of Pakistan said that blocking the entire site YouTube, since it is not possible block certain videos, and its lock system is working at the level of URL. Earlier fact blocking appealed Pakistani NGO Bytes For All, advocating for the freedom of the Internet. The lawsuit alleged that the Ministry of Communications of Pakistan violates the rights to free access to information.
       In the organization demanded that the national regulator and operator use of selective filters. Shahzan Ahmad, Director of Bytes For All, said that Pakistan is actively censor Internet access for citizens. Earlier, a similar report was made ​​by representatives of foreign organizations Citizen Lab and Global Affairs. "We demand that the operators have blocked 700-800 specific addresses with the pages hosting the blasphemous content but unblocked the rest of the site," - says Ahmad.

        According to him, the lock - is harmful for Pakistan, as they have a negative impact on the international image of the country, make it difficult to local students the opportunity to use the world's resources, hamper the development of the country and the development of society. Recall that last year, the Internet company Google itself put selective regional lock at the request of countries such as Saudi Arabia and India. Slightly less than a month ago, the publication The Times of India, citing its sources reported that Pakistani authorities intend to block access to all resources of Google.

         It is known that the earlier an American company and Islamabad were closed negotiations on the conditions of work, but they did not accept the result of the authorities. "Google is firmly on a number of his positions and if the company will not change their views, we will be forced to block access to its services in the country, as the internet, there are other search engines and e-mail services," - said the Minister of IT and telecommunications in Pakistan Anusha Rahman Khan.

         "Our job is to ensure the normal operation of the Internet and all telecommunication services in the country, but if it does not run counter to the accepted norms in Pakistan morals and ethics. When you protect the latter need to close access to all Google services and to invest this extra money, we are ready to go for it, "- she said.