Friday, July 5, 2013

Published 5:09 AM by

Visa will develop mobile payments

Visa will develop mobile payments

Visa payment system is going to fight with cash, and plans to upgrade the mobile payment services to more and more people use the name of its decisions to pay for goods and services. In the Visa predict that by the end of this year only in Europe will be over 50 billion contactless payments monthly. Chapter Visa Mobile Business Sandra Alzette, said the company expects the arrival of the European market a new generation of smart phones Samsung, equipped with support for NFC chips with support for Visa Pay Wave and Mobile Wallet. According to her, the massive smartphones with the technology to help the growth of the market. "From our point of view, mobile technology is extremely important. Naturally, we still love plastic and for us it worked very well, but now the company is compelled to throw part of their attention to mobile solutions," - she said. Alzette said that while development mobile payments is hampered by lack of subscriber equipment, but now this problem has been actively addressed. "It's obvious now that mobile payments - it is convenient and profitable, but we believe that the true potential of mobile solutions will be revealed only in the future," - he said. "We hate Visa cash, they are dirty and inefficient, so we believe that mobile technology - it's another chance to attack for cash. Mobile payments are beneficial for small businesses and mobile enterprise specializing in micro-payments, "- she said. According to the manager, now Visa is developing the strategic partnership with several major mobile players that the latter also contributed to the development of mobile payments. It is estimated Visa, now in Europe at the POS has about 853,000 mobile terminals for contactless payments, whereas by the end of the year that number is expected to grow to 1 million