Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Published 5:46 AM by

In RuNet growing DDoS-activity - the report data

In RuNet growing DDoS-activity - the report data

           Power DDoS-attacks in RuNet in the first half of 2013 has increased dramatically. If the second half of 2012, the average attack of this kind had capacity 109 Mb / s and the maximum should not exceed 2.9 GB / s, then in April of this year, experts have documented a number of attacks, with capacity of 10 Gb / s and above. This fact suggests that the attackers changed their ways and have adopted a more "potent" tools, according to a recent report, "Kaspersky Lab".

          Turning point in the spring of this year were sustained DDoS-attacks on a number of Russian web resources, in reflection who took part, "Kaspersky Lab". At the turn of March and April 2013 attackers for three days attacked the website of "Novaya Gazeta": taking as the main tactics of powerful attacks such as DNS Amplification, cybercriminals during peak hours, "raised" traffic above 60 Gb / s. Because of this powerful attacks were briefly locked even channels a few large providers. Yet another case of the application of tactics DNS Amplification was recorded in just a few days

           Intruders attack site of a small Russian financial organization - there attack power is also significantly higher than 10 Gb / s. Moreover, all in the same month cybercriminals managed to "bring down" one of the largest hosting companies in RuNet - Ru-Center. Attackers used an extremely large-scale "weapon", which blocked channels hosting the center, resulting in inaccessible immediately became a lot of web resources. capacity described attacks and all their influence on large Internet channels illustrates the statistics of the Moscow Center for Internet Traffic msk-ix .

           At times of DDoS-attacks suffered entire providers and a large number of them have no relation to these incidents customers. It is such a "failure" and reflect data msk-ix. sharp "dip" in Internet traffic, as recorded by msk-ix 2 April 2013 at the time of the powerful DDoS-attacks "Today in RuNet DDoS-attacks such as DNS Amplification ceased to be something unusual. When a site or a resource does not give up under the pressure of low-power attack, attackers use this type of attack and block hosting, data center , service provider or group of providers.

            From this tool, no one is immune. DNS Amplification attack types can be compared with the explosion of gas cylinder in a separate apartment high-rises - such an explosion could destroy the whole staircase ", - says Alexey Afanasyev, project manager Kaspersky DDoS Prevention« Kaspersky Lab. "