Thursday, July 4, 2013

Published 6:57 AM by

The EU and Japan have created a 100-gigabit network technology

The EU and Japan have created a 100-gigabit network technology

The European Union and Japan combined in the framework of the project on the development of networking technologies that offer network communication capabilities at a speed of 100 Gbit / s, which is about 5000 times faster than the average speed of a modern broadband connections in the homes of Europeans .

Parties say that this project - the only one of the six areas of joint cooperation, to guide the development of new communication technologies is planned for about 18 million euros. Within other areas of the EU and Japan will take the developments in the field of cyber security, network capacity to consumers, network data storage technologies, and high-speed data transmission systems.

Separately, the parties will be engaged in developments in the field of energy efficiency. In a statement, the European Commission said that in the future the network will play a vital role in the life of Europe and its citizens, so now it's time for the development of network technology of the future, which will avoid the so-called "network congestion. "

 According to current data, now in Europe is transmitted every minute about 1.7 trilliarda bytes of data, and by 2017 this will rise to 12 times. projects, with a 100-gigabit network connections EU-Japan, was named Strauss. His official website is located at "The project provides a high Strauss and global (multi-domain) of the optical infrastructure to transport Ethernet-covering heterogeneous network technologies and expanding access to the network," says the project description.