Monday, July 8, 2013

Published 9:35 AM by

Two anniversaries star maitre

Two anniversaries star maitre

       7 July 2013th legendary Italian composer and singer Toto Cutugno was 70 years old. 40 years on the stage, he gives his songs not only for its unique baritone. Sang his hits and Joe Dassin, and Mireille Mathieu, and Claude Francois, and Johnny Hallyday, and Delilah, and Michele Sardou and Sheila. Music Cutugno - an integral part of the repertoire of orchestras under the control of Paul Mauriat, James Last, Frank Purcell. Despite his advanced age, Toto is full of new plans. His talent is inexhaustible. Let us examine together off of its popularity.
       Toto was born July 7, 1943 in Tuscany, in the town of Fosdinovo, the son of Domenico and Olga Cutugno. Father Salvatore (this is the full name of the composer) played well on the tube, it is not surprising that the boy showed excellent hearing. When Toto reached 7 years of age he became the drummer in a band, which was created by Domenico Cutugno. At the same time the boy is learning to play the guitar, picks up his motives. The whole in itself, and so it now looks from the stage to the hall. His reverie was manifested in the 5 years of age, when he witnessed the death of her older sister. Now inexpressible sadness became part of his image on all subsequent years. In 13 years, Toto took third place in the competition of accordionists. And the first song «La strada dell'amore» («Road of Love"), he wrote at age 14. The reason for its creation was love. Despite his musical talent, Toto still managed to get not only schooling, but also to become a diploma accountant.

      Drums, guitar, accordion - it is not a complete list of musical instruments that have mastered the young musician. At age 18, he masterfully plays the piano and literally "sick" jazz. 19-year-old boy he was part of a group known in those years, jazz musician Guido Manuzardi sent on a tour of Scandinavia. The tour was a huge success, which influenced the final decision of choosing a career path for life. Back in Tuscany, Cutugno organizes its own group "Toto and Tati", which included a younger brother and three friends Roberto Lino Lozito, Gigi Tone Vigano and Massimo. In addition to well-known hits, the group's repertoire and songs filled with the young author. The fame of the Toto went all over Italy. His talent was noticed songwriter Vito Pallavicini. In 1974, began their collaboration.
His first song "Africa" ​​or "Indian Summer", performed a brilliant Joe Dassin, immediately fell in love with the audience and won first place first in the French charts, and later in the U.S.. The next smash hit, written specifically at the request of Joe Dassin, was «Et si tu n'existais pas» («If you were not there"). Any tune that he wrote Toto was magical spellbinding, it would listen to over and over again.

       While continuing to write for the French and the Americans, Cutugno he tries to sing, and it turns out he is no worse than Dassin. Toto sends a request to participate in the Festival of San Remo-76 with the same group, but under the name of "Albatross". Here budding singer waited unprecedented success. With «Volo AZ-504" ("A flight AZ-504), he ranks third. Disc with this song in France sold 8 million copies to cheer. Also in 1976, on another musical competition "Albatross" took the lead, singing «Nel cuore, nei sensi» («In the heart and the senses"). Success at this time overshadowed by the death of his mother Toto.
1977 - fifth place in San Remo with the song «Gran premio» («Grand Prix"). The group is in crisis, each of the musicians decide individual creative plans. The traitorous position Pallavicini, who believed that he did it Cutugno worldwide fame, exacerbated the situation. Maestro felt devastated and deeply offended. Fortunately, near the Toto was the wife of Charles, who helped him cope with the creative depression.
After the break with "Albatross" Toto for Joe Dassin wrote 12 songs, including hits «Salut» («hello»), «Le jarden du Luxembourg» («Jardin du Luxembourg»), «Il etait une fois nous deux» (« One day we were together "). Johnny Hallyday performs «Derrierre l'amour» («For Love"), the same song in their repertoire includes Paul Mauriat. At this time, Toto and starts with "their". In the early 70's and 80 Italians sing his songs: «Soli» («One»), «Non'รจ» («not true»), «-Amore? - No! »(«-Love? - No! »),« Il tempo se ne va »(« Time is running out »),« Un po 'artista, un po' no »(« Little Artist "). Cutugno wrote the music for the film "The Taming of the Shrew" is working with a group of "Rich and Poor", Ornella Vanoni, Marcello, Gianni Nadzaro and other singers.

      The second output Cutugno as a singer was in 1980 and was a resounding success. The song «Donna, donna mia» («Woman My Woman") and Solo noi »(« Just us ") won the hearts of audiences around the world.

      Now he has been recognized not only as a writer, but also as a performer. With the song «Francesca non sa» («Francesca does not know") Cutugno holds the first place on the international festival of light music in Tokyo. Love - the guiding star of his life, that she devoted all his hits. In 1981, came third album «La mia musica» («My Music") in English, Spanish, and French. It is sold with great success in Argentina and the United States, Japan and Canada, Australia, and in almost all countries of Europe.
At the festival "Sanremo-83" Cutugno sang the famous "Italian", mesmerized the hearts of many, defeating its own unique style and sensuality. Solo album «L'italiano» («The Italian") in the blink of an eye has become the "gold."

       In noyabre1985 Toto year tour in the USSR. Extraordinary charm, laid-confidential communication with the audience - so remember this charismatic Italian Soviet listeners. Fans of his talent does not know age limits. His songs resonate and the elderly and the young, because the true feelings are genuine for all.
The path to glory continues next performances, and a triumph awaits Cutugno in 1990 in San Remo. American star Ray Charles sang a song composer «Good love gone bad» (English version «Gli amori»). After this festival decides Cutugno was "tie", stop. But in 1992 his song «Insieme ... 1992" on the future of European integration, the boundless love, won the Eurovision Song Contest. Creative activities and musical victory continues.

     In November 2009, in Moscow singer participates in the show "Legends of Retro FM 2009", and a year later gave a concert in Kiev, together with Giacomo, the son of Adriano Celentano. In the same place in 2011, performed at the festival "New Wave". Comes to Moscow concert at the State Kremlin Palace with Annalisa Minetti, Mark Tishmanom and a group of former "Prime Minister". And today Toto as popular as in previous years. Each of his concert - sold out. In 2013, the Festival of San Remo Cutugno won the award for career achievement.