Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Published 10:21 AM by

Edward Snowden, apparently, was granted political asylum in Venezuela

Edward Snowden, apparently, was granted political asylum in Venezuela

      Ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden agreed to a proposal by President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela to grant him political asylum. This was announced today, the head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexei gun. "As expected, Snowden has agreed to offer Maduro of political asylum. Apparently, this option seemed the most reliable Snowden" - he wrote in his "Twitter", according  to ITAR-TASS .

     Pushkov later deleted the first tweet and said that the information on the consent of the ex-CIA operative Edward Snowden for political asylum in Venezuela, he learned of the news release. "The information that Snowden has accepted an offer of asylum from Maduro came from the 18-hour release of" News 24. "On all questions to address to them," - he wrote.

     After that, the deputy released an edited version of his tweet about Snowden: "According to" News 24 "referring to Maduro, Snowden accepted his offer of asylum. If so, then it due to this the safest option."

     July 8, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the receipt of a request from Edward Snowden for political asylum. "We received a letter with a request for asylum, he must now decide when to arrive, if in the end decides to fly here, - he said. - We told the young man that if you pursue empire / USA /, then come here" .

      Last week, just three countries in Latin America have offered political asylum Snowden. On Friday evening almost simultaneously with the statements about the Presidents of Venezuela and Nicaragua Nicolas Maduro and Daniel Ortega, and the next day they were joined by their Bolivian counterpart Evo Morales.

     Previously, the organization "Wikileaks" / WikiLeaks / reported on its page in the "Twitter" that Snowden sent requests for political asylum governments of six more states.

     Prior to that, according to "Wikileaks" Snowden sent requests for asylum in 21 countries. Failure to respond eight EU countries, including Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and France.

     Earlier, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Snowden, indeed, expressed the request to stay on the territory of Russia, but he himself had abandoned it, "learning about Putin's position regarding the conditions under which he can stay." "At the moment he does not want to remain in Russia - said the president's press secretary. - Also, it is well known that Snowden along with it sent requests to 15 countries