Thursday, July 11, 2013

Published 5:51 AM by

Hubble gave the color data exoplanets

Hubble gave the color data exoplanets

          NASA said that for the first time in the history of the Hubble Space Telescope, the unit managed not only to establish the presence of extrasolar planets, but also to collect enough data to experts could say exactly what color it is a planet and how it looks to its orbit. Astronomers say exoplanet HD 189733b has a cobalt blue color and it looks like the Earth from space, but slightly darker blue. In this case, an extrasolar planet itself has no liquid water - it is, like Jupiter or Saturn, gas. But there are going blue deadly for people silicate compounds, which are in excess of the planet. exoplanet itself removed from us by 63 light years and NASA say that the planet is interesting to people from the point of view that in our solar system there is no nothing like it.

           In general, researchers tend to attribute HD 189733b to so-called "organic planets" that is, planets, theoretically suitable for life. In addition to toxic compounds, there are also methane, which is important for some forms of terrestrial life. HD 189733b is 63 light years from Earth is the planet in the constellation Vulpecula. HD 189733b is a classic of the class of planets, known as "hot Jupiters" because it is comparable in size to Jupiter, but from its star, it is not removed properly so as Jupiter. Complete revolution around the parent star HD 189733b does in just 2 days. The temperature on the planet's surface is about 900 degrees. As explained in the NASA failed to detect organic compounds by analyzing the light emission produced by Hubble during the study HD 189733b.

            When a planet in one line pass between its star and the Earth, HD 189733b was visible as a small black dot against the background stars, but by the way the light is refracted from this "point", you can accurately judge what is in the atmosphere of a planet - Organic compound, water, or just hydrogen, and helium. Another point surprised researchers lies in the fact that the planet is much more methane than can theoretically be on the planets of this type.

            "Typically, these planets have in excess of carbon dioxide, not methane. Here it's the opposite," - says astronomer Giovanna Tinetti, who took part in the opening. "Despite the fact that this planet is too hot for the existence of complex life on it, opening today proves that humanity is moving in the right direction and use the correct methods in the search for extraterrestrial life, "- says Tinetti. On our planet, methane, consisting of molecules of carbon and hydrogen, is one of the main components of natural gas in the oceans is also a mass of methane. Many simple organisms use methane as food and habitat protection.