Monday, July 1, 2013

Published 10:29 AM by

RVC Seed Fund and Venture Fund of the Softline Venture Partners invested in BubbleGab

RVC Seed Fund and Venture Fund of the Softline Venture Partners invested in BubbleGab

      BubbleGab, SaaS-platform for building the next generation of socialized sites, announced that it raised another round of investment. The project was supported RVC Seed Fund (DRF RVC) and venture capital fund Softline Venture Partners.

      The funds received allowed to announce the official launch of BubbleGab and open stage of active development of a platform to enter the mass market. entire amount of investment will focus on completion of the main functional components of the project, the implementation of its functional integration to popular online portals, the API for converting popular content BubbleGab networks. BubbleGab allows you to create personal user pages, the content of which is going out of their profiles in social networks and blogs.

      Subsequently, the user pages will be combined in circles for mutual communication and producing significant media space. All aspects of the project will be available to all users of Internet resources on which the module is installed BubbleGab. This opens up the possibility of scaling the project, as it allows you to deal not involving the end-user, and work with the administrators of specific web resources that are already interested in the socialization of their websites.

     BubbleGab already managed to get expert support on reputable Internet industry events: conferences RIF + KIB 2013 JavaOne Russia and 2013. "Believing in the idea and investing the money, we have developed with our partners an attractive project that we managed to get the next round of investment of $ 1 million.
     This will allow us to accelerate the development and testing, and release the product to market in Q1 2014, ie BubbleGab entering the home straight. The socialization of the web - it is an essential need for the individual, we are creating a new milestone in the formation of a revolutionary tool for the realization of this need, "- says one of the founders of BubbleGab, managing partner Lineberger Advisers and an expert in the field of investment management Murazanov Roman.