Monday, July 1, 2013

Published 10:31 AM by

Live virtualizer rollApp attracted investors' money

Live virtualizer rollApp attracted investors' money

        Located in Silicon Valley company rollApp Inc provides online application virtualization technology, which will work with any existing software on any new devices without the need for any modifications to these programs. For example, work on the iPad with programs originally written for Windows, or play games on the iOS-devices running Android.

      Team rollApp includes a number of legendary figures of the IT industry, such as Bjarne Stroustrup (author of the programming language C + +) and Bob Iannuchi (former Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Nokia). now available free beta version of the technology rollApp, which exists as a online service and allows users to c Windows and Linux applications on the iPad-a, and on devices managed by ChromeOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux.

       During his stay in the beta service rollApp, though still fairly crude, has attracted interest from users in the past 8 months, its traffic has grown more than 50 times, and in May 2013 exceeded 0.5 million hits per month. Today rollApp Inc. announced the involvement of "Round A" funding in the amount of $ 1 million from a syndicate of investors.

       Fund LETA Capital acted as lead investor. Fund TMT Investments, which carried out the seed investment in rollApp in 2011, also participated in this round. rollApp plans to use the investment to expand the list of supported platforms / devices, the output from the phase of the free beta, monetization and start the transition to full commercial operation of its service.

       "rollApp eliminates the need to rewrite existing software products with the appearance on the market of new devices and operating systems - says Vlad Pavlov, founder and CEO of rollApp Inc. - With our service, there is no need to alter pre-existing applications to new platforms. And there is no need to create new applications to work with existing files on the new devices.

       Already today, rollApp published a large number of popular applications that allow users to open and edit files of almost all common types: documents, spreadsheets, presentations, e-books, charts, archives, engineering models, maps, etc. Almost instantly, any device without having to download or install anything. "