Thursday, July 4, 2013

Published 7:10 AM by

Samsung buys Boxee

Samsung buys Boxee

South Korea's Samsung Electronics buys Israeli developer strimming devices Boxee. In a statement, the Korean prroizvoditelya said that the purchase of Boxee - the acquisition of the most important assets of Samsung, and the inclusion of its staff of talented development team.

 "The purchase will help us continue to improve our solutions in a wide range of activities," - said in Samsung. Latest Products Boxee allow subscribers to record TV broadcasts to servers and transmit them to the audience on different devices, including through the Internet to ordinary browsers. Previously, the company Boxee has attracted investors from around 27 million dollars.

Today, Samsung is the world's largest manufacturer of smart TVs that offer access to applications to extend the functionality of the device. According to Informa Telecoms and Media, last year around the world have been sold 54 million smart TVs, analysts expect that in 2017 this will rise to 221 million analysts Informa believe that the uptake for most Samsung may be advantageous step, so as will significantly extend the functionality of its televisions, because before the demand is not meet the expectations of the compa