Huawei invests $ 600 million in 5G-technology
In the ad does not include the investments made to develop the equipment. 5G network with a maximum data transfer rate in excess of 10 Gb / s per second will download HD-video and implement a realistic video ". Huawei has invested into the development direction of 5G networks in 2009. At the Mobile World Congress in 2011 and 2012, Huawei demonstrated a prototype 5G base stations with a maximum bandwidth of 50 Gbit / s.
To date, Huawei has participated in research projects of the European Union, worked on the creation of the Innovation Center 5G (5GIC) in the United Kingdom and has been involved in joint research programs with more than 20 universities around the world. "There are a number of tasks that need to be resolved before 5G incarnation in life - said Xu. -
It is the presence of the frequency spectrum and technological issues, such as the development of a network architecture capable of processing large volumes of data and support transfer rates required to support large numbers of users. By 2020, 6.5 billion people worldwide will use mobile data networks, and 100 billion devices, such as cars, measuring, medical and household appliances will also be connected to the network through 5G. We have already achieved a major technological breakthrough in this area, but the main achievements are yet to be. "