Monday, August 12, 2013

Published 6:23 AM by

Close-era facade Maya was discovered in Guatemala

Close-era facade Maya was discovered in Guatemala

Huge decorated facade of the era of the Mayan civilization was recently discovered in what is now Guatemala. The facade is on the outside part of the ancient building, which archaeologists are trying to explore. Experts say that they had discovered a bas-relief measuring 2x8 meters, the age of which is at least 1,400 years.

Discovery is located in the ancient city Holmul, who was one of the major regional centers of Maya. Now, these regions are located in Guatemala. The building, where he found an ancient facade, is a rectangular house suite, located next to the burial, and while scientists have found in the burial of the remains of a man who was buried with a wooden mask on his face, as well as 26 jars of clay around it.

Scientists say that a large part of the 20-meter house is now gone underground, because the reconstruction of the site has been slow.

The researchers also say that the city Holmul are fairly compact construction Maya, while in the neighboring cities of Copan and Ksultun are more large-scale structure.
