Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Published 9:43 AM by

LinkedIn faced with Chinese censorship network

LinkedIn faced with Chinese censorship network

 Social network LinkedIn earlier this year to expand its activities in the PRC. The company is now reaping the fruits of Chinese expansion - LinkedIn has to censor user accounts. Bloomberg reports that when a user publishes a notice in China whose logic conflicts with official regulations, the company blocks this content is not only in China, but also around the world. agency notes that similar regulations LinkedIn is contrary to the officially declared company values ​​- protect information users. In the company now say that changing the system will lock and close the controversial content for China, but leave it to the world. 

"Dilemma LinkedIn emphasizes the complexity of doing business in a country with strict rules of censorship. Few American companies have been successful in China. Services Facebook and Twitter all closed in this country, "says Bloomberg in copyright material. Typically, LinkedIn notifies users when their pages appear "unacceptable" content, which is the official Beijing would have to be locked. Freelance journalist Rob Schmitz, publishing material for publication Marketplace, notes that LinkedIn users did not have any notes regarding the anniversary of the events at Tiananmen Square.

 At the same time, the World Resources raised this issue actively. Recall that LinkedIn has launched a Chinese version of a specialized service in February this year. Prior to that, local users of the social network worked with the English version. Then CEO Jeff Weiner said that while the company operates in China, it supports freedom of expression and "fundamentally disagrees with government censorship."