Russian PC market continues to be in free fall
IDC summed up the study of the Russian PC market in the third quarter of 2013. According to the IDC Quarterly PC Tracker, for the reporting period in Russia received about 2.71 million desktop and laptop PCs. PC market as a whole decreased by 30.7% in unit shipments and 23.9% in value terms compared with the same period last year. The five leaders of the Russian PC market for the quarter included the following companies: Lenovo (19,7% of the total number of deliveries made during the quarter PC), Hewlett-Packard (15,5%), ASUS (14,3%), Acer Group (11,4%) and DNS (6,5%). The list of leaders in the segments of desktops and laptops has undergone significant changes. Shipments of desktop PCs declined by nearly 14.8% over the previous year and amounted to 907 thousand units.
The share of candy bars accounted for 15% of all delivered in the period of desktop PCs. Hewlett-Packard, DNS and Lenovo topped the list of leaders in the desktop segment. Completing the top five leaders of DEPO Computers and Acer Group. notebook segment decreased by 36.7% compared to the third quarter of 2012, while supplies of $ 1.8 million. The first line in the list of leaders is by Lenovo. This is followed by ASUS, Hewlett-Packard and Acer Group. "In the third quarter the PC market there is a slight increase in sales compared to the previous. However, as compared with the third quarter of 2012 there was a decline, which suggests a continuing trend of reduction of the PC market. Notebook sales in the consumer segment continued to decline in the volume under the pressure of rising popularity of tablets. Corporate segment demonstrates the stability and balanced development ", - the analyst Natalya Vinogradova.