Carrier rocket Zenit-3SL put into orbit a new satellite Eutelsat
Launched from a floating platform in the Pacific Ocean Odyssey project Sea Launch ("Sea Launch") of the Russian-Ukrainian carrier rocket "Zenit-3SL" brought European communications satellite Eutelsat-3B into orbit. "There was a separation of the spacecraft from the Eutelsat-3B booster. Sputnik outsourced to the customer start - telecom operator Eutelsat", - reported in Roskosmos. spacecraft has 51 transponders in C rebroadcasting video-, Ku-and Ka-bands. Service Area - Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and parts of South America, particularly Brazil. Satellite weighing about six tons is based on a highly reliable Eurostar E3000 platform by Astrium commissioned operator Eutelsat.
Expected lifetime of the device - more than 15 years. launch rocket "Zenit-3SL" satellite Intelsat-27 project "Sea Launch" 1 February 2013 ended in failure - the rocket and the satellite fell into the Pacific Ocean. This launch was the first setback for the "Sea Launch" for the last six years. Commission of Inquiry into the accident concluded that the cause was the failure of on-board power source of the first stage, which provides the desired pressure in hydraulic systems. The experts concluded that the fault - the only reason for the failure.
International Consortium "Sea Launch" was created in 1995, the headquarters of Sea Launch AG in Switzerland. After the reorganization in 2010, 95% of "Sea Launch" owned by Energia Overseas Limited, "granddaughter" Russian Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia". Another 3% owned subsidiary of the U.S. aerospace company Boeing and 2% - Norwegian shipbuilder Aker Solutions. "Sea Launch" - the first in the history of international commercial project space rocket complex ocean-based.
The main goal - providing services for spacecraft launch from a floating launch platform. Most satellites into geostationary orbit from the equatorial zone of the Pacific Ocean. Earlier, President and General Designer of RSC "Energia" (Corporation initiated the project launches "Zenit-3SL" floating platform Odyssey) Vitaly Lopota reported that the corporation has orders for nine starts "Zenith" in the framework of the project "Sea Launch". According to him, in 2014 planned four starts in 2015 - five.