Saturday, June 14, 2014

Published 6:31 AM by

The most anticipated smart watches 2014

The most anticipated smart watches 2014

Industry smart hours striding forward in leaps and bounds, and the competition is growing every day. Today we will tell you about what the industry reached by June 2014, and about some of the most advanced smart watches, which can be expected on the shelves in the coming weeks.

Name all this may seem like an oxymoron, but it is appropriate to speak that way. Because smart watches - this is a new trend in today's digital world.

Of course, there should immediately make a reservation and make a few notes. What we call a smart watch? As stated in Wikipedia, is a "computerized wristwatch with enhanced functionality (beyond the standard time tracking), often comparable with communicators." And with this definition, we do not quite agree. Only agree with the fact that this "wearable computers." Indeed, miniaturization has reached such progress that the computer has become possible to cram into a small watch case.

«Every day creates your history»

What we do not agree? As a minimum so that the device can be called a "wristwatch" and "intelligent". Actually, the clock function in the smart watch (pun intended) - it's more a screensaver screen saver, display the time in which plays the same role as in the smartphone. That is, if you do not like to watch the time, you can put a picture in the intro though seals. Benefit of the resolution and type of matrices smart hours allows it. And the name "smart watches» (smartwatch) more succinctly than "smart watches". In the end, do not call a smartphone "smart phone" and there is no definition of "stupid hours."

Another remark concerns the positioning and functionality of smart hours. Of course, those can be called the very first hours Pulsar in 1972. Or Casio watch from the 1980s - until today, especially sports series of G-Shock. Or even the RC-1000, coupled with Timex, which since the eighties present in the market. And in 2000, IBM released a watch at all on Linux.

In general, the story is pretty smart hours eventful, but before they were published as something more experimental for geeks than the full satellite ordinary person. And in the last year of smart watches mastered a new niche in the market, becoming the real helpers. But you can not say that irreplaceable.

Today, smart watches want to make all and sundry. In the list of those wishing to try their hand at a new field, apart from the already "shoot," said Acer, Apple, BlackBerry, Foxconn, Google, LG, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba ... In general, each more or less respected manufacturer tries himself in this new niche for themselves. Everyone is trying to invent the bicycle with rocket boosters, and you can not treat it with irony, as the case may be someone.

In fact, we are now witnessing the emergence of a new segment, and it can now determine the leader in the industry, a true innovator - as once Steve Jobs at Apple with its iPhone: both - and inventor, and product - today have become a household name, which honored few. For example, copying machines everywhere in Russia styled "Xerox" (the derivatives of the word), although Xerox leadership in this industry for decades as not.

 And the market is smart watches is growing: in 2013 the volume of their global market totaled $ 700 million - ten times more than the previous year, and forecast the Swiss research company Smartwatch Group, in 2014 the total volume of this market will reach $ 2.5 billion

And not even the fact that it will be a leader on one of the current members or leaders in other segments. Least because the leader is chosen the same people voting the dollar - and they will vote when really get something that they need. In the meantime, all vendors desperately experimenting.

«You are all I need in my life» 

Why need a smart watch? No, to convince you that you need them, we will not. As a minimum, because even the producers themselves do not quite understand what to do with these hours.

Therefore, today the global application of smart watches can be divided into two spheres. The first sphere - a fitness assistant and part-time certain "crutches" for fabletov. Why "Bones"? Because due to the large screens to get healthy gadget out of the bag or pocket sometimes very uncomfortable. But if you want to read or SMS notification from social networks, come to the aid of smart watches, which, when connected wirelessly, and show SMS, voice and read what I need and help run music in headphones ... well, with them you can do the same as with a smartphone, only on the small screen, uncomfortable on his arm.

As for the second purpose smart hours, this time again warning in advance Google. However, not to say that time. The company made an OS for wrist gadgets named Android Wear based KitKat 4.4: this is technically the same Android, but that made it smart hours. More precisely - has been used quite a certain part of the operating system, Google Now. Thus, high-tech wristwatch gained a new mission: to be a mobile assistant, and not something like "crutches" for fabletov.

What makes this helper? Communicating wirelessly with a smartphone based on Android (which is natural), smart watches receive traffic information, planned meetings, suggest a route reminiscent of anything (and there are reminders mode only important notifications «Zen», when only vibration) ... Google here can only applaud, because they have managed to create something out of nothing, that is, the scope of the new watches, which was not.

So far, only two manufacturers submitted their portable gadgets on this new OS is LG with their G Watch and Motorola (which was recently purchased by Google, more precisely, its mobile division) with Moto 360.'s About them, we now discuss.