10 key global news and announcements of E3 in Los Angeles
In the life of every enthusiastic gamer, whether private owner of a PlayStation 3 or veteran pro gaming industry, there is one particular night (Moscow time). When the universe as if transfixed, worldly concerns overshadowed and seizes our attention entirely happening in the Los Angeles venue. This - the night the big conferences E3. Moment when your eyes history in the making: time long-awaited announcement, hopes and experiences, surprises and disappointments - sharing daily in the "before" and "after." What we have prepared for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, which trumps the hands of Electronic Arts and Ubisoft, and what path igrostroy in the coming year? ZOOM.CNews team will try to answer these (and other) issues.
And do not expect feigned objectivity - you will find only our view, what is really worth a look.
Return Phantom Dust
Genre : Fantastic third-person shooter
Platform : Xbox One (exclusive)
Now there are few who remember the original Phantom Dust, and even at the time of release, it hardly caused a lot of noise. Yet the development of the Japanese Branch Microsoft, frankly, different from anything before offering video games. It is a blend of hardcore, almost at the level of Demon's Souls, post-apocalyptic action and ... ahem ... collectible card game. With fully destructible locations (to the envy of any Battlefield) and crazy audiovisual nearby. How do you, for example, to arrange fights in the midst of the desert metropolises under ... "Moonlight" Beethoven? It was cool and unusual, take my word.
Which set of attacks and techniques offer us this time? In Microsoft preparing nekstgen-remake or full extension? However, the main thing - the fact of the resurrection of one of the most soulful and kryshesnosnyh sixth generation games.
Trash, waste, and sodomy Sunset Overdrive
Genre : Fantastic third-person shooter in an open world
Platform : Xbox One (exclusive)
Release Date : October 28, 2014
No doubt in Insomniac Games working insanely talented and passionate people in the business. If you do not believe me - series Ratchet & Clank and Resistance to help. But after leaving the studio under the wing of Sony and creation, to put it mildly, a kind of FUSE, we greatly feared for the future of the team. Previous demonstrations Sunset Overdrive did not inspire much confidence: Well some pankusha jumps on high-voltage wires, well yes crushes mutants swearing - so what?
And then, on you, and finally more thorough presentation of Sunset Overdrive! At once, Microsoft has put no ordinary remake, sequel or HD-reissue, and a full-fledged new IP. Yes what? Mentally cross Superhero (or villainous, as anyone) inFamous, cartoon supersonic Jet Set Radio and the latest editions of Ratchet & Clank - and get a rough idea about the new development Insomniac and Microsoft.
One trailer is worth: savory, in a good and frankly farcical stebny. And, hopefully, this will result in the entire game - something in the spirit of satire Dead Rising, but without the wacky vnesyuzhetnyh missions and breathtaking freedom of action.
Truly new Assassin's Creed
Genre : Historical third-person shooter in an open world
Platforms : PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date : October 28, 2014
Raise your hand those who openly zadolbala kopipasta and really unnecessary bells and whistles in content projects Ubisoft? All these towers open for further fast-travel'a, horrible secondary objectives, the general monotony of gameplay and plenty of glitches and bugs - none of the modern project of the French did not do without this nepochetnoe "gentleman's set". But, it is possible very soon everything will change. Assassin's Creed Unity - that's the name of our savior from the hypothetical secondary routine.
Not to say that Ubisoft decided to reinvent the wheel. Notorious captures forts and dull additional content in Unity, are likely to remain. But everything else right creaks from the novelty, if released from the conveyor car.