Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Published 10:31 AM by

Japan throws another $ 210 million to combat the radiation leaks

Japan throws another $ 210 million to combat the radiation leaks

The Japanese authorities have developed a plan to help the nuclear power plant emergency, "Fukushima Daiichi". They spend about 21 billion yen, or $ 210 million, to work with a large number of radioactive water. Funds will be used to freeze the soil to create an underground wall around the four affected reactors, and water treatment. Chief Cabinet Secretary Esihide Suga lead committee created to address the problem of leakage of radioactive water and subsequent reactor decommissioning, according to Japanese media.

Authorities plan organize the work of departments to strengthen contacts with the nuclear power plant "Fukushima Dai-ichi" and telco Tokyo Denreku. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday to meet with members of the government to approve the necessary emergency measures. Today, the only operating nuclear power plant workers in Japan have stopped one of the two nuclear reactors that were taken out of service to undergo regular inspections.

 Plant staff "Oi" of Kansai Denreku stopped the operation of the reactor number 3 on Tuesday morning. They plan to shut down the reactor number on April 15th of September, thus leaving Japan without nuclear power for the first time in 14 months. Nuclear Regulatory Commission of Japan has announced that the fault under the power plant , "Oi" is not active. According to them, in place of the fault is no longer observed no activity, and we can hardly expect that this will happen in the future. NPP operators allowed to operate nuclear facilities in areas with active faults. Kansai Denreku Company, under the jurisdiction of which includes the power "Oi", requested a security check to get approval to restart reactors.
