Google does not get the domain name http://search
Contrary to popular belief, Google does not always gets what he wants on the Internet. Last week, ICANN made a statement which confirms that argument. Corporation ICANN, responsible for coordinating the Domain Name System, said it took a resolution that urged her not to delegate in favor of the Google root domain zone. search. Allocation of new domain zones as part of New TLDs, and an application domain search on Google came in April of this year. If the delegation of the zone was implemented, the Internet giant would get the opportunity to place its search engine and other services at http://search. Years before, as Google has sent an application to ICANN, the latter has already warned that the domain names in the new root areas that do not conflict with a number already in use, and should not be common, such as music, city, bank, and the like. Earlier, several action groups sent letters to ICANN, which opposed the program of New TLDs, since by they felt it threatened the destruction of the current system domains, and also caused a lot of technical difficulties. Thus, they are particularly pointed out that the "point free" domains will conflict with the intranet addressing in many local networks, and in addition will cause errors with network protocol SMTP. Anyway, but ICANN has already reported that the domain name search, Google is not receive, and entered bail for her name will be returned. Insiders and ICANN itself say the new domain names, although let earn domain registrars essentially carry more harm than good, as the benefits from the introduction of such systems are not obvious , and the problems are already evident. one and a half months ago IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) has produced a number of publications related to the new domain zones, where, among other things, stated that the protocols of modern software applications may be faced with when addressing the new domain system namespace. Earlier, with his warning of a similar nature made and IAB (Internet Architecture Board). At resume writing as IAB, IETF, and so refuse to offer the new addressing system. It is noteworthy that in February of this year, Committee SSAC (Security and Stability Advisory Committee) at ICANN also said that with the implementation of a new blast of confusion between the local and global networks, as well as the now-level domains are often used for intranets . Another problem with the new system is an e-mail domains, the software that simply does not know how to work with the addresses of the form user @ domain, most of the email service will simply refuse to pass such letters. SSAC draws attention to the fact that the https-certificate is also not able to work with the new system domains, and many CAs do not plan to issue safety certificates associated with the new system.