Monday, August 19, 2013

Published 10:03 AM by

Nedra Saturn form the threads in the planet's atmosphere

Nedra Saturn form the threads in the planet's atmosphere

 Known to all lovers of astronomy turbulent jet streams in the atmosphere of Saturn are the thermal emissions from the bowels of the planet, not a reaction to the heating of its atmosphere by the sun. Among such conclusion experts on the basis of a detailed analysis of the behavior of the atmospheric jet stream on Saturn. Scientists say that the heat from the interior of Saturn provokes condensation in the atmosphere, and the condensate provokes temperature difference in the atmosphere of the giant planet. These temperature differences in the atmosphere provoke turbulence, similar to how in the world as a result of a sharp cooling in the summer there are hurricanes and heavy rains. On Saturn, the regions with higher temperature move faster, while cool - slowly. "We know that the atmosphere of gaseous planets like Jupiter or Saturn, could only get heat from two sources - from the sun or from the depths of the planet. difficulty is we could not determine which source is dominant. According to data from the Cassini working near Saturn and its moons, at least at the Saturn dominates the internal heat, "- said Tony Del Genio of the Institute for Space Studies at NASA Space Flight Center Goddard them.

According to him, the images are clearly visible from Saturn numerous jet streams, tearing thick gaseous atmosphere of the planet. Some of the streams are so large and powerful that can be seen in the non-professional telescope from Earth. These and many other reactive flows, and just studied Cassini. Based on the analysis of flows, much of it directed to the east, but the west is aimed a fraction of the jets. Del Genio said that in the period from 2005 to 2012 in the atmosphere of Saturn, was born at least 120,000 streams, 560 of which have been studied in detail. Based on the analysis, only a few of the streams originate at the top of Saturn's atmosphere, while the majority originate from the bottom that is fueled by the planet itself. However, there are some jets that are generated and the heat of the sun.

However, in any case, the upper streams have a much lower intensity and speed than the lower ones. Another interesting factor related to atmospheric flows, is the fact that they are born with the direct participation of water vapor, which, as it turns out, a lot of Saturn. "Many aspects of Saturn and the other gas planets are very difficult for us to understand, as the Earth and its atmosphere - it's completely unlike the Saturn phenomenon. However, in science, there is an assumption that most of the planets in our galaxy - this is gaseous Saturn-or Jupiter-like Education, therefore, of understanding is the key to the understanding of the general theory of the planets, "- said Del Genio.