Monday, August 12, 2013

Published 6:32 AM by

Kim Dotcom is working to secure e-mail service

Kim Dotcom is working to secure e-mail service

 Kim Dotcom, developing right now in New Zealand service remote secure data storage, said he intends to run the Internet secure e-mail service, which will operate on servers outside the U.S. and carry out all the service without the use of routing messages U.S. cable transportation system (unless the receiver is not in the U.S.). Team Dotcom stated that launches secure mailer in response to the activation of U.S. intelligence by tapping the traffic and the closure of email-service Lavabit, as well as his rival Silent Circle. The first service previously enjoyed Edward Snowden, passing data through it to journalists of the newspaper Guardian. Speaking to ZDNet service CEO Vikram Kumar says that now they are studying technical ability to create a secure email-and voice service that will be available for special services.

Kumar said that work on the postal service has already begun. The service will provide opportunities for end-to-end encryption. That is, the messages will be encrypted on the sender's machine and decrypted on the recipient's machine, the very same service will only technical and not a transport operator or a potential eavesdropper will not be able (if not hacked encryption algorithm) to read the contents of the letters. Kumar said that the problem of modern email-services that in order to ensure security servers should not be open letters, but in order to provide convenience for archives letters, they should be stored, usually on a mail server. "There is need to find some balance. While it is unclear how to store messages for the archives, in addition, it is unclear how to search for the letters if they are encrypted," - says Kumar.

 "In addition, if the server will operate on the principle of end- to-end encryption, that is, the lion's share of the work will be performed on the client computer users, configuration of mail transport will also have to change. This is not entirely impossible, in practice it is difficult to realize, "- says Kumar. Also Mega say that the mailer was would be nice to somehow integrate with the primary file storage, but with the end encryption systems it will also be easy to do.

 "Technically, nothing is impossible, but some things are really easy to implement," - he said. Dotcom himself says that the server is secure e-mail address must be international, so that no one country could, disabling one or more local servers to block the work of the entire system. He also noted that the work of protected mail will definitely be in demand not only at the international level, but also in most of New Zealand, where the government is now working on expanding the powers of the local Ministry of Communications, as well as local security forces GCSB (Government Computer Services Bureau), offering a new bill on Free Access to customer data security services of telecom companies.

 "International location as Mega, and secure e-mail service - it's a way of escaping from the jurisdiction of any one country," - says Dotcom. At the same time, he acknowledged that some countries will have to place more infrastructure, and in some less. Most are located in the most developed in the civil law, as well as in the IT infrastructure, such as Iceland, the Netherlands and Sweden.