Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Published 9:01 AM by

Mobile service Google came to the attention intruders

Mobile service Google came to the attention intruders

New information technologies and tools offer opportunities not only for developers - as criminals, still looking for new ways to achieve their selfish goals. Recently, experts have "Kaspersky Lab" found an interesting "loophole" through which virus writers can easily manage their malware. Using the service Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), which allows application developers to send messages to users, the attackers send out commands to his Trojans to infect phones based on Android. In turn, these malicious programs send SMS messages to premium rate numbers, steal messages and contacts and display advertising other malware. course, all of these malicious programs are distributed under the guise of useful applications and games. The novelty and originality of the particular virus writers is that, as a command-and-control center they use the service itself GCM: it is here that records all the Trojans and backdoors once installed on your smartphone, but here they get a team.

This approach eliminates the possibility to block access to the command server directly on the infected phone. The only way to counteract receiving instruction in this case - block accounts of developers, ID that malicious programs use when registering. most popular feature of mobile Trojans that use the service GCM, is to send a paid SMS, on the so-called premium numbers. A classic example is the detection of Trojan Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.OpFake.a, the main "area of effect" which falls on Russia and other CIS countries. In total, the specialists of "Kaspersky Lab" found more than 1 million different installation packages of the Trojan. Functional malware is quite wide: besides sending premium-SMS it can also steal messages and contacts, delete SMS, send a message with a link to itself or other malware, self start and stop their activity, as well as update itself.

"Every month we find up to 12 thousands of new malicious programs for mobile platforms, and the Android platform is one of the most vulnerable: 97% of all mobile threats falls on her. The service GCM criminals - one of those threats. Currently, these mobile malware is not so much, but some of them are quite popular. Need to deal with them by joining forces with the creators of the service GCM and timely blocking communication channels virus writers with their malware. We have already informed Google those GCM-ID, which is used in mobile malware detected by us ", - says Roman Unuchek, a leading anti-virus expert" Kaspersky Lab ".