Thursday, August 22, 2013

Published 7:57 AM by

In Japan, the newly recorded radiation leakage of water into the ocean

In Japan, the newly recorded radiation leakage of water into the ocean

The Japanese company is the operator of nuclear power plants "Fukushima Dai-ichi" says that highly radioactive water to get from the store to the Pacific Ocean. Tokyo Denreku is investigating leaks more than 300 tons of contaminated water from one of the tanks for the storage of radioactive water. The fact of leakage was confirmed on Monday. Staff Tokyo Denreku found contaminated water flowing to the drain channel is about 50 meters away from the store. Inside the channel was recorded high levels of radiation - about 6 millisieverts per hour. Drainage channel goes to the ocean on the south side of nuclear power plants. latter explanation leadership contradicts the first statements that were made ​​on Tuesday. The authorities reported that, in their opinion, the contaminated water could not get into the ocean, as the level of radiation in the sea water was not so high.

The operator still says it does not show any changes in the concentration of radioactive substances in the ocean due to the leakage of contaminated water. The operator of nuclear power plant accident reports that 30 trillion becquerels of radioactive strontium and cesium could get into the ocean, starting in May 2011. According to the company, up to 10 trillion becquerels of strontium 20 trillion becquerels of cesium fell into the ocean from May 2011. The total amount is many times higher than the limit set by the annual emissions from 220 billion becquerels - in normal conditions.

As expected, the numbers will grow as the Tokyo Denreku can not completely stop the leak of contaminated ground water into the ocean. Company cautions that name the exact amount of water leaked from cesium and strontium difficult, as they are easily absorbed into the soil. The company said it will continue to assess the situation in consultation with experts. International Atomic Energy Agency reports that examines the situation in the nuclear power plant emergency, "Fukushima Dai-ichi" as serious, and ready to provide assistance in the event of a request for it. IAEA on Wednesday issued a statement in connection with the leak of about 300 tons of contaminated water with high levels of radiation, which was discovered on Monday. The statement said that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of Japan thinks increase the hazard assessment of conditions at the nuclear power plant accident in two levels from the original to the third at the recent leak of radioactive water.

The statement also said that the Japanese authorities continue to provide information to the agency about the situation, and that the IAEA experts are closely watching her. The IAEA has made ​​such a declaration in respect of other leaks of contaminated water, which occurred on August 9, but then it is not used in the application of the word "serious". Nuclear Regulatory Commission of Japan has ordered the company-operator to strengthen measures to prevent further leaks of radioactive water. During the meeting, some experts have criticized Tokyo Denreku for the fact that the company has left open the taps in the fence around containers with radioactive water. Others spoke of the need to carry out more checks the storage of contaminated water leak detection.

 Around 350 vessels of the same design built without the use of welding with steel plates and bolts for the temporary storage of contaminated water from the damaged nuclear power plant operator reaktorov.Kompaniya "Fukushima Dai- iti "says highly radioactive water to get from the store to the Pacific Ocean.
