Found a new planet, claiming the lives
Space telescope Kepler, working at the moment in Earth orbit, found the new planet outside our solar system, which could claim to be the most Earth-like and may want to keep in your life, although such evidence is not there yet was discovered. Scientists working on the program search for exoplanets, they say that today there are several criteria that can be attributed to the planet Earth-. First, it is the presence of a solid surface, and at least some of the atmosphere, and secondly, on this planet must be at least some signs of liquid (at least in the atmosphere) and organic matter, and the third planet must be located in the so-called habitable area - such a distance from the star, in which the star is the optimal heat to the water potential on this planet could be in liquid form.
Total known today about 2000 exoplanets. Some of them are quite similar to Earth and is not suitable for life, others combine certain qualities Earthlike. A small group of planets has almost all the parameters that determine the presence of life. Kepler telescope is now explored another star system, in which he found just five exoplanets, and two of them are exactly in the habitable zone, three - very close to it. In this case, all the planets are very similar to our size. Scientists say the Earth by space standards - a small planet. As a rule, accurately determine the presence of a planet or some component in it can be a so-called transitive method, when the planet passes by its star, and from the point of view of the terrestrial observer gets to her light. However, this is not an option in the case of minor planets, such as the five planets in the star system Kepler-62. All five of these planets are 1.31, 0.54, 1.95, 1.61 and 1.41 Earth radii. These planets are not only small in size, but also are located quite far from the star.
The smallest of the discovered planets - Kepler-62c to 0.54 Earth radius, researchers conventionally called "hot Mars," as it is about the size of Mars is identical, but the temperature is much higher there. exoplanets to explore the data, the experts used the method of gravitational changes that have planets on each other and the gravitational effect, they receive from the star. This method for determining the characteristics of the planets are much less accurate than transitive, but here he is the only one possible. Explore the approximate composition of these planets specialists to using the so-called method of statistical interference, allowing accurate to say whether the planet has a solid surface or is it gas. There is another factor that attracts scientists. If these planets have life, it can be daunting. The fact that the age of the star Kepler-62 is 7 billion years - it is 2 billion years older than the Sun.
Accordingly, the physical and chemical conditions there has long been an established and if these planets were initial conditions for life, they have had to give fruit. Experts believe that the five planets in the Kepler-62 - this is the minimum score, it is possible that them significantly more. It is now known that the five planets are separated by two laps - three in the internal and two external. The first three make a complete revolution around the star in 5.7, 12.4 and 18.2 Earth days.
The temperature here is too high for the origin of life, and the water there can not be any. But a planet with an orbital period of 122.4 and 267.3 Earth days offer a much more comfortable environment for living. The amount of heat that strikes the planet, these will vary from 1.2 to 0.41 of the heat hitting the Earth. Specialists also pretty sure that in the atmosphere of these planets is carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas, nitrogen compounds, water vapor, and some other elements contributing to the emergence of life.