Monday, August 5, 2013

Published 7:07 AM by

The Chinese authorities have created a portal to fight the rumors on the Internet

The Chinese authorities have created a portal to fight the rumors on the Internet

Chinese Internet company Baidu and Sina are co-founders of the new portal, which aims at "halting the spread of rumors." The Western media have interpreted the move as a last effort of the government, aimed at tightening control over the dissemination of information on the Internet. official website began work on Friday, formally it is the operator of Chinese Internet regulator - Beijing Internet information management.

According to the official Xinhua News Agency, in creating an Internet portal actually involved all the leading Internet company in China, except for Tencent (also attended by NetEase and, hoster of the project is, managing portal of the same name operating in the interests of the official Beijing authorities. According to the report of Chinese Internet companies are now a feature of Chinese blog-and twitter-sphere (weibo-) is such that there are a lot of users deliberately or without any intention of spreading rumors that the authorities, for whatever reasons, are considered "harmful .

" As a general rule, under the "harmful" information on the authorities realize that the next official was caught on a bribe, that region of the country in the next flare up ethnic conflicts, or rumors, compromising the country's political elite. So far, the authorities denied this information by the official press, in particular the state media agency Xinhua. Recall that in China are denied access to the microblogging service Twitter, so local users work with the same Chinese service Weibo.

Western media have criticized such a move, arguing that the Internet environment is essentially a self-regulating mechanism, but such steps only reinforce the antagonism between the authorities and the people. In addition, it is noted that the created resource will become nothing more than a new instrument other than the party's influence on public opinion in the country. Recall that today China has more than 591 million Internet users. The country has now officially banned resources with pornographic content, online betting and casinos, as well as resources critical of the Communist Party of China.