Depression, schizophrenia, hyperactivity - close genetic diseases
Genetics say that diseases such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have common genetic roots and share the same biological risk factors. According to recent studies, the results of which were recently published in the medical journal The Lancet, all of these diseases are associated with each other by only four genes, which are combined with each other in various ways. Researchers say that in the future they hope to develop such drugs, which will block the harmful gene pairs and treat depression or schizophrenia is not a genetic level.
Similar conclusions the authors come from studies 33,000 people with mental disorders and 28,000 people without them. Research carried out among both sexes and all races. "Four genetic variants increase the risk of five disorders. was also found that the two gene variants are also responsible for the calcium balance in the brain," the article says. In the publication of scientists point out that mental illnesses are very complex, and only in their development and progression involved, most likely, not less than one hundred genes transkriptorov.
According to Nick Craddock, a psychiatrist at the University of Cardiff in Ireland identified genes - a kind basis of diseases and their research is directly related to the identification of ailments. "Further study of these genes will help us understand what goes wrong in the brain of a person when he happens to mental disorder. Ultimately, work with the data genes creates a scientific basis to help us better deal with the most common mental illnesses of our time" - said Craddock. article also states that genetic manipulation of the mentally-ill people could be one of the most complex and multidimensional.