Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Published 9:31 AM by

Hackers have started to exploit the vulnerability with a master key Android

Hackers have started to exploit the vulnerability with a master key Android

IT professionals have found yet another rogue application, operator of a critical vulnerability in the Android operating system and allows the attacker to embed malicious code into an application without changing the signature of the application. For the first time new malicious technique has been found in Android-app largest South Korean bank NH Nonghyup Bank by monitoring the Japanese antivirus company Trend Micro. At Trend Micro said that in the original version of the banking application there are no malicious, but an update they already are.

Publishers of "renewal" was used for the implementation of ideas previously appeared vulnerabilities associated with the so-called master key Android. Due to the presence of the master key operating system in any case let the app, though its secondary signature has already been broken. In practice, this approach opens up new ways for hackers to penetrate the user's data and compromised devices. As Google promised to close the vulnerability with the master key in the next update Android.