Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Published 9:16 AM by

Religion comes to the rescue fayloobmenschikam?

Religion comes to the rescue fayloobmenschikam?

 For every action there is always opposition - that's the law of physics that works everywhere, but, as the modern Russian reality, this physical postulate can be applied to the legislative arena. Russian lawmakers out of the building on Hunter's Row in Moscow could hardly imagine that the recently adopted their "anti-piracy" law, which is opposed by the online community would be under threat because of another previously received by them of the law "On protection of religious feelings." What there may be a connection? The answer to this is known Russian adherents of such releases as "Kopimizm."

The so-called Russian Pirate Party is going to register as a religious organization with all the ensuing consequences. The participants of the religion called "kopimizm" - from the English copy me (is copied me) and actively promote the idea of a free copy of information. The founder of the movement is a writer Vladislav Petrushenka. Yesterday, representatives of Russian pirated games in five Russian cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and Khabarovsk - applied for official registration.

According Petrushenka, "religion Russian Pirate Church adheres ideas kopimizma: this means that its supporters say moral copying and distribution of information, and the mass copying in religion especially encouraged." Supporters kopimizma favor of free file-sharing, in which knowledge sharing is considered to be sacred. Petrushenka also recalled that the mission church kopimizma that promotes the free flow of information, in January 2012 in Sweden was officially recognized religion. Recall "anti-piracy" law came into force on 1 August 2013.

The Law on Protection of intellectual property rights on the Internet makes it possible to lock the resource pre-trial, accused of copyright in the distribution of illegal content. Many members of the Internet industry have protested against the "anti-piracy" law, in its present form. "Who registration process driven around the church in St. Petersburg, they are the first all applications filed and registered. analyze their experience and go, too. think this thing coming months. Generally, kopimizma Church and Russian Pirate Church in particular, believes his cock anyone who pleaded kopimistom in the shower. thus unlikely to be maintained full roster of believers, as he is in other world religions.

Prospective millions of adherents to confirm you can see the number of people popular torrent trackers. And I think that the more active in government and the media will be forced by anti-piracy issue, the more people will recognize themselves in the shower kopimistami and adherents of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Church of the Russian Pirate "- said the representative of the Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir KURILOV wing of the church.

 At Moscow last week was the first pirate-pastafarianskaya wedding, perfect wedding ceremony. The first took place in Serbia between the Romanian and Italian. According Kurilova, after registering a church adherents kopimizma plan to file a lawsuit against the anti-piracy law that offends their feelings.