Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan have started to send out more spam
In the second quarter ratio of spam in email traffic increased compared with the beginning of the year by 4.2% to 70.7%. In this case, malicious attachments contained in 2.3% of all electronic communications, which is 1% less than the previous quarter. These are the results of the analysis of e-mail traffic in the period from May to June 2013, conducted by specialists of "Kaspersky Lab". The tendency of the second quarter was the dispatch of letters with malicious attachments corporate users. And all of them were disguised as automatic notifications: NDR / receiving a message about who came to fax or scan. In this case, the calculation attackers was that the office employee, immersed in work, unlikely to pay attention to the details and open the attached file with a malicious program.
The surprise was the distribution of cards with malicious attachments - the last time they almost did not meet. However, in this quarter of the experts "Kaspersky Lab" recorded malware distribution such that exploit the brand well-known manufacturer of greeting cards Hallmark. Leaders among the sources of spam are the same, although the proportion of junk mail they sent out a little diminished: it is China (-1.2%), the U.S. (-0.9%) and South Korea (-3%). In the three former Soviet republics - Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus - dramatically increased the proportion of outbound spam, which is why in the second quarter they got to the 6th, 7th and 8th lines, respectively, ahead of Russia, located on the 9 th position. distribution of spam sources by country, the second quarter of 2013 to the spam is still dominated by very short letters, the size of which does not exceed 1Kb.
The number of such posts in the second quarter increased over the first c by 4.8% and amounted to 73.8% of all spam. share emails with malicious attachments decreased compared to the previous quarter by 1% to 2.3% of mail traffic . Among the investments dominated malware and phishing HTML-pages, the purpose of which is to steal data for access to the user accounts (login and password), in particular access to online banking.
"Recently, spammers distribute emails with malicious attachments disguised as messages on the server NDR. Often there are also imitations of notice from the known resource with links to malicious websites. abundance spyware attachments letters tells the sad trend - all the harder criminals prey on users' personal data - usernames and passwords from accounts, including in-line systems banking and payment systems. We encourage users to be very careful even with those letters that appear to be legitimate "- says Daria Gudkov, head of content-based analyst," Kaspersky Lab ".