Scientists have developed an artificial cerebellum
Spanish scientists today announced the completion of a two-year project whose goal was to create a new human-like robots and mechanisms that can move around and perceive change as people. Today, the Spanish engineers from the University of Granada (Spain) presented a robot, which has an artificial cerebellum. Recall that in humans the cerebellum - the rear part of the brain that plays an important role in the coordination of movements. There are two main theories to explain funktsionirovanie cerebellum. One assumes that the cerebellum acts as a regulator of synchronous movements. This hypothesis arose in the study of patients with a poor coordination of movements.
Another hypothesis considers the cerebellum as a learning machine, encoding information as a computer. There are facts to support both hypotheses. According to the developers, the artificial cerebellum entirely on the structure and functions of the human repeats, except for one - a new development is electronic. The researchers say that the new development was created as part of Sensopac, sponsored by a number of European countries and the European Commission.
In the future, this development can be used for the treatment of patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. On the other hand developers say that the development can be integrated into a variety of robotic mechanisms involved and precision manufacturing. As part of the project to create the cerebellum were involved extensive research results in the field the interaction of the central nervous system to the brain. The next step, according to project leader Eduardo Ros Vidal, should be the creation of an electronic "skin" of what has already been allocated 2.3 million euros.