Doctors have found that it makes the muscles strong
But the relaxation of muscles after work is due to the dissolution of the provisions of cells fan out, which again makes the soft muscle. In a scientific paper experts say that many of the biceps and other muscles could theoretically work not only up and down, but also on the sides, although the anatomy of their bodies do not provide.
Article researchers say these findings to a large extent help to understand how can be dealt with certain muscle diseases and better understand aspects of the formation of muscles in the human body as a whole. study's author, Professor Thomas Daniel, says that their findings can be applied not only to any particular group, but almost all the muscles in the body, including the heart muscle.
"The Science of well known structure of muscles, but we still did not know much, which makes the muscles strong, as they perform their main tasks, what is the norm and that deviation in their development," - he said. Washington researchers say that according to their research, all people have different susceptibility of muscle cells to equalize, but because each individual different power rates. A critical role in the formation of muscle tone is played myosin and actin, which tone and relax muscles.