Microsoft launched a global restructuring
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on Thursday announced earlier declared program of the global reorganization of Microsoft, aimed at optimizing the internal structure of the company. He also made a number of personnel changes, to senior executives of the company had more appropriate powers in the most important areas and successfully compete with Apple and Google in the segment of gadgets, Internet services and cloud solutions.
In a letter to employees of the corporation Ballmer said that Microsoft will have to rethink ways to deliver technology innovation to customers. Also, he writes that the task before Microsoft "break down the walls" between large operating units, which are still not too dough interacted with each other. Many observers have blamed the recent prorvalov Microsoft in the market is in the weak interaction within the company.
Notably, in 2005, when Ballmer became CEO of the company, he was an active supporter of a group of powerful and autonomous units within Microsoft. Time has shown that this model is not otpimalnoy, inhibits the exchange of ideas and development of products in general. way or another, but in a letter to Ballmer's main focus is still shuffling around ecosystems Windows, as the main generator of income of the corporation.
Plans to significantly optimize Windows-units to what could actively develop Windows Phone OS and contrast the products Apple and Google. Planned Ballmer, Microsoft developers all will be divided into four areas, each of which is responsible for PCs, mobile devices, Xbox and games as well as services. Previously, all of these functions in a particular part was blurred between departments.
Ballmer says that Microsoft is now before the task is to establish a common software platform for the entire range of manufactured solutions. Along with this, the head of the corporation also has centralized all of the marketing efforts of Microsoft and all the functions of business development so that these areas were personally accountable Ballmer, excluding divisional structure of the unit.