Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Published 9:10 AM by

Scientists have learned how to grow teeth from urine

Scientists have learned how to grow teeth from urine

     Scientists have managed to grow a rudimentary teeth from the most unexpected source - human urine. The work reported in the current issue of the scientific journal Cell Regeneration Journal, based on the fact that the urine can be a source of stem cells that are using special equipment can be reborn in the tooth-like structures. A team of scientists from China says that they have created Technology allows people to regain previously lost teeth without the use of synthetic analogues.

At the same time, the success of new technology while experts say quite cautious, pointing out that until the moment of urine can make your teeth, it will take a lot of time. Publication said that in the future, this technique could be cost-effective and medically safe for those people who have lost teeth due to age or because of poor oral hygiene.

Experts from the Chinese Institute of Health Guangzhou said that the use of urine - it is a starting point. On the basis of this technology in the future it will be possible to recreate and other bodies, as well as the "raw material" to use any human biological materials. The magazine says that while experts were able to experiment on laboratory mice from the urine of which was obtained by proto-tooth.

The whole procedure of conversion of stem cells into proto-tooth took three weeks, after which the experts had Zubovidnaya structure with dental pulp, dentin, enamel, and the body of the tooth. However, while the established body was not as strong as a normal tooth. Critics of the new technology say that the idea itself is interesting Chinese scholars, however, the use of urine as a raw material - this is not the best solution, since it contains very little viable stem cells.