Facebook's stock price went up for the first time to the level of IPO
Investors in New York, said that positive sentiment for the first time in the last year and a half back in action on Facebook. Yesterday, shares of the company for the first time since their accommodation have risen in price to the level of 37.61 dollars, while at the moment the price on the Nasdaq reached 37.96 dollars. In May 2012, the company withdrew its Facebook shares on the stock market at a price of $ 38, then the cost of papers like a snowball rolled down, dropping to $ 17, which provoked accusations of banks and underwriters that are not correctly installed price range for the shares and was originally introduced independent customers misleading, speculating data.
Nevertheless, the head of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg in the most difficult moments for the company said that the company will develop a mobile direction, increasing the volume of mobile advertising network and increasing profit from it . Then the market was skeptical of these claims and the value of securities it is almost not affected.
However, on 24 July, the company released a quarterly report, according to which the case in Facebook advertising and mobile spheres really went up the hill, and then in New York, started the rally in the shares of the company . According to the latest report of the company, Facebook now gets about 41% of revenue from mobile advertising.