Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Published 9:44 AM by

Yahoo to unveil more details about the surveillance by the NSA

Yahoo to unveil more details about the surveillance by the NSA

        U.S. court for control over foreign intelligence United States (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, FISC) ruled that the information about requests of the U.S. government to provide data Yahoo users in 2008 should be made ​​public, reports The Australian. The judgment required the Government to transmit data about the espionage activities of the court until July 29. According to the English-language channel Russia Today, U.S. authorities demanded details Yahoo users in the state program of exploration (PRISM). Information about the program was made ​​public through a former CIA officer Edward Snowden, who gave evidence on surveillance newspaper The Guardian. , Yahoo through the court demanded the government to provide documents about the surveillance of users of the search engine.

       Yahoo intends to make the publication of these materials. Earlier, a similar request to the court for the control of U.S. foreign intelligence turned Google. The company also intends to separately report the number of requests approved by the court in accordance with the law "On Control of external intelligence services» (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA), and the number of user accounts, which have been associated with these requests. Google admitted that she really betrayed intelligence information about users, but did so only on specific request.

       Recall that in early June in the U.S. scandal in connection with the actions of the National Security Agency, which received the information about the calls of one million subscribers of the largest U.S. telecommunications companies . In addition, in June, thanks to a former CIA officer Edward Snowden became aware of another large-scale program of the U.S. government - PRISM, carrying out surveillance of Internet users Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, Google worldwide. U.S. officials have confirmed that followed the Internet users but stressed that it was only on foreigners in the territory of the country. According to the U.S. authorities, the National Security Agency acted in accordance with the FISA law and with the permission of Congress.