The Korean Ministry of Defense prohibits the military smart phones at work
The Ministry of Defense of South Korea today has put into effect a new policy that all employees within the agency may not use military buildings smartphones and tablets that can take pictures and send data to the Internet. Military officials say the move should allow to prevent a significant portion of data loss. workers from the Korean defense officials need to be installed on their smartphones special application, which blocks the camera, voice recording, and Internet traffic.
It is reported that at this time the new policy is working so far only in the central office of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Korea in Seoul, but soon it will become mandatory for all units. Korean military says that the agency workers now have to either leave the smart phones and tablets at the entrance to the building, or to put application, which when activated will make it possible to only work with SMS and voice calls over the cellular network.
At the moment the application is running under the operating system Android and iOS. There is a development version for Windows Phone. "The Ministry has set a new schedule, according to which workers have to block some of the key features of smart phones, gadgets in order to not become a way of leaking classified information," - says Kim Shin Juice, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry Korea. civilian employees to various departments and contractors who work at military facilities from time to time, the application set is not necessary, but at the entrance to the building to take the gadgets members of the military police, who will return the gadgets when leaving the building.
Today, at the headquarters of Korea's Defense Ministry employs about 1,500 people, almost all of them are still free to worked with a personal means of communication for military buildings.