Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Published 10:23 AM by

Antarctic Lake Vostok is likely to contain fauna

Antarctic Lake Vostok is likely to contain fauna

       In 2012, Russian scientists took samples of water from the three-kilometer ice caps. Now U.S. researchers from Bowling Green State University in Ohio analyzed samples of ice from Lake Vostok, taken by Russian scientists. This body of water in Antarctica - the fourth in the world in depth and covered with thick layer of ice 3.7 kilometers past 15 million years.

     The lake is 250 kilometers East, width - 50, scientists often compare him with icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn because of its isolation and inaccessibility. A report published in the online edition of PLoS ONE, researchers report that they were able to identify the DNA sequences of 3507, much of which is associated with different types of bacteria.

     About five percent of the DNA sequences associated with more complex organisms - eukaryotes, and two sequences - a single-celled organism - Archean. Most of the identified bacteria are typical gut of fish, including E. coli and salmonella, which may mean that the water may be in the East of the fish. Scientists note that the East can not be a sterile environment, as previously assumed, and most of the identified species bacteria are similar to living in the oceans and lakes of bacteria.

      Recent data may disappoint those who had hoped to open a new, completely isolated world, but scientists note that amazing discoveries are still possible, as will explore other samples.