Underground bacteria will be the last inhabitants of the Earth
Andrews in Scotland, said that by the time the world will be very little oxygen, so the bacteria must be able to to survive in oxygen-free conditions in the high-pressure and high salinity, which is formed from drying out of the oceans. "The future of the Earth depends on the Sun, and our star will eventually be more and more bright," - he said. research team from Scotland took over based on the data on how our sun will grow in the future and based on this model is constructed of biology on Earth.
According to their forecasts, a couple of billion years our sun will become so active that the oceans will evaporate, and after the Earth will pass a critical point in the atmosphere produced a high concentration of water, because the water will act as a greenhouse element, it will only increase the heat the planet. In the end, the temperature of the planet will be around 100-120 degrees Celsius, the researchers believe.
Given the strong decrease in the levels of oxygen, it will put an end to the terrestrial and marine life of the Earth. In such circumstances, you can only survive deep underground, where the impact of a poisoned the atmosphere and the oceans dried up will not be so strongly felt. Scientists believe that bacteria of the future will be concentrated near the small remaining underground reservoirs.
According to the calculations of researchers, our planet will become completely uninhabitable by 2.8 billion years. Now experts say that their predictive model - a sort of a guide to action for search living in extraterrestrial conditions on planets where there are no signs of surface life.